Thursday, July 26, 2007

¿Sugar Water?

For those of you who have been to Egypt, your mouths are probably already watering. To those of you who are confused right now, let me explain. This greenish-brown beverage here is jugo de caña, Asaap for you Egyptians , or, for you gringos, sugar cane juice. That's right. Sugar water. And its delicious. In the background you can see the canes themselves which are stripped of the leaves (which I can tell you from experience can splinter and really hurt). You can chop up the thick stalk and chew on the center or you can put them through a press to extract the sweet elixir that is sugar cane juice. The juice is surprisingly refreshing even with the main ingredient after water being sugar. It is always make fresh because any juice that is left around too long will ferment and go bad. This particular glass was not as good as the aanab in egypt, but it definitely hit the spot. It was made with a hand press as opposed to the large machines that extract the juice in Egypt. I found this vendor while walking around the mercado libertad in Guadalajara. If you have never tried this sweet tonic, hop on a plane to Egypt, Mexico, or one of the various other sugar cane producing countries and treat yourself to a nice tall glass. It´s cheap too, if you exclude the cost of the airplane.

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